
How many moons does Neptune have?

Neptune is known to possess thirteen moons. The planet has the greatest “hill sphere” or gravitational sphere of influence among all the other planets in the solar system. It is most likely because of its immense distance from the sun. The moons of Neptune had been the object of controversies due to their strangely uneven […]

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How did Neptune get its name?

Neptune, the eighth planet from the Sun, was named after ‘Neptune’, the Roman god of the sea. The official name did not come from Romans or people from the ancient times since Neptune was discovered during the modern times, several decades after Uranus’ discovery. It was included in Galileo’s drawings which he made when he […]

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Energy Balance of Jupiter

The apparent magnitude of Jupiter varies to some extent because of its varying distance from the Earth, but this is not sufficient to explain all the observed changes. Since 1862, the mean opposition magnitude has ranged over 0.45 magnitudes so that, at the brightest opposition, Jupiter was reflecting 50 percent more light than at the […]

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Planet Venus

Named after the Roman goddess of Love, Venus is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun and orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. It is also the only planet in the Solar System to be named after a female figure. Venus is also the brightest natural object in the night sky other than the Moon. […]

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Planet Uranus

Uranus, the seventh planet from the Sun is the 3rd largest and the 4th most massive planet in the Solar System. The planet’s name was derived from the Greek deity of the sky Uranus who is said to be the father of Kronos and grandfather of Zeus (Saturn and Jupiter respectively). Although the planet is […]

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How the Earth was Formed

Formation of Earth. Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the fifth largest. The Planet Earth was formed 4.6 billion years ago from the same nebula cloud of gas and dust that the Sun and the eight other planets were formed. Definition of Earth Earth is the only planet whose English name does […]

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Planet Neptune

Neptune is the eight and farthest planet from the Sun. It is considered to be fourth largest planet by diameter and the third largest when it comes to mass. Neptune was identified after the Roman god of the sea, who is the counterpart of Poseidon and has the astronomical sign of the god’s trident. Neptune […]

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Why is Planet “Mars” Red

When we see planet Mars from our earth it appears to be Red. For most of the planets, the red layer only covers a couple of millimeters & at its deepest, two meters. The red color comes from various oxides of iron in very, very fine particles, and trace amounts of other elements including titanium, […]

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Planet Mars

Perhaps one of the most well-known planets and subject to countless of studies and researches, Planet Mars have been associated with countless sayings such as…”Men are from Mars, Women From Venus” and “There Is Life On Planet Mars”, among the many. The planet is the 4th from the Sun and 7th largest planet in the […]

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Is there life on Planet Mars

According to biblical fanatics, it is said that there is life in Mars. However there are also scientific explanations that also believe the possibilities that life in mars do exists. Back in the year 2005, rovers and Martian proves about some discoveries. Areas containing waters are found in the place, they also discover some of […]

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