Planet Saturn

Saturn is the six planet from the sun in our Solar System. It is the second largest Planet. Saturn appears to be similar to Jupiter in many ways. Saturn is the least dense of all the planets. Its density of 704kg m-3 is less than that of water so that one might imagine Saturn being placed in a tank of water and floating! Like Jupiter, Saturn must be composed predominantly of hydrogen and helium.
Saturn’s mass is 95.147 times that of the Earth. The equatorial radius is 60,000 km. The polar radius is 11% smaller, making Saturn by far the most flattened planet. The average density of704 kgm-3 follows from these figures; this is about half the average density of Jupiter & one-eight that of the Earth.
Saturn Details
Orbit: 1,429,400,000 km (9.54 AU) from Sun.
Diameter: 120,000 km (equatorial).
Mass: 5.68e26 kg.
Satellite Distance Radius Mass
(Km) (Km) (Kg)
Pan 134 10 –
Atlas 138 14 –
Prometheus 139 46 2.70e17
Pandora 142 46 2.20e17
Epimetheus 151 57 5.60e17
Janus 151 89 2.01e18
Mimas 186 196 3.80e19
Enceladus 238 260 8.40e19
Tethys 295 530 7.55e20
Telesto 295 15 –
Calypso 295 13 –
Dione 377 560 1.05e21
Helene 377 16 –
Rhea 527 765 2.49e21
Titan 1222 2575 1.35e23
Hyperion 1481 143 1.77e19
Iapetus 3561 730 1.88e21
Phoebe 12952 110 4.00e18
Saturn’s Rings
Name: Radius Radius
Inner Outer Width Mass (kg)
D-Ring 67,000 74,500 7,500 –
Guerin Division – – – –
C-Ring 74,500 92,000 17,500 1.1e18
Maxwell Division 87,500 88,000 500 –
B-Ring 92,000 117,500 25,500 2.8e19
Cassini Division 115,800 120,600 4,800 –
Huygens Gap 117,680 (n/a) 285-440 –
A-Ring 122,200 136,800 14,600 6.2e18
Encke Minima 126,430 129,940 3,500 –
Encke Division 133,410 133,740 – –
Keeler Gap 136,510 136,550 – –
F-Ring 140,210 – 30-500 –
G-Ring 165,800 173,800 8,000 1e7?
E-Ring 180,000 480,000 300,000 –