Markarian Galaxies ( Active Galaxies And Radio Galaxies)
These are objects discovered in the early 1970s by the Russian astronomer B.E.Markarian of the Byurakan Observatory in Armenia, He used a Schmidt telescope with an objective prism to search for galaxies with a strong ultraviolet continuum. The objects found fall mainly into two types: galaxies (often spirals) with a bright nucleus that is the source of the ultraviolet continuum, and diffuse galaxies with the ultraviolet sources spread throughout the object. Many of the first group are Seyfert galaxies whose spectra show broad emission lines. Others in this group have narrow emission lines in their spectra. The fainter members of the second group have spectra very similar to those of ionized hydro¬gen regions, and are occasionally referred to as intergalactic H+ regions. They are faint irregular galaxies generally with a very low metal content. It is probable that these galaxies have been formed within the past 100 million years. The brighter MARKARIAN GALAXIES are fairly diverse hi their general properties. HABO GALAXIES were first found hi 1956 by Haro of the Tonantzintla Observatory hi South America using a survey technique similar to that of Markarian. They are essentially the same as the diffuse Markarian galaxies.